Gorilla Tours east africa

4 Days Rwanda Uganda Gorilla Trek

4 Days Rwanda Uganda Gorilla Trek: A Dual-Country Adventure

Embark on an exhilarating 4-day journey through Rwanda and Uganda for an unforgettable gorilla trekking experience. This itinerary combines the best of both countries, offering you the opportunity to encounter endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitats. Join us as we explore the highlights of this dual-country gorilla trekking adventure.

Day 1: Arrival in Kigali, Rwanda1-day Bwindi gorilla trek from Rwanda: Trekking through dense forest to observe mountain gorillas in their natural habitat

Your gorilla trekking adventure begins with your arrival at Kigali International Airport. You will be greeted by our representative and transferred to your hotel for check-in. Depending on your arrival time, you may have the opportunity to explore Kigali, known for its vibrant markets, poignant history, and cultural attractions like the Genocide Memorial Centre. Spend the night in Kigali, preparing for the exciting days ahead.

Day 2: Transfer to Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

After breakfast, depart from Kigali and journey north to Volcanoes National Park, home to the renowned Virunga mountain range. The drive takes approximately 2-3 hours, offering picturesque views of Rwanda’s rolling hills and rural landscapes. Upon arrival, check-in at your lodge near the park and relax amidst the stunning scenery. The evening is free to unwind and prepare for the gorilla trekking experience the following day.

Day 3: Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

Today is the highlight of your Rwanda leg as you embark on a gorilla trek in Volcanoes National Park. After an early breakfast, head to the park headquarters for a briefing by Rwanda Development Board (RDB) guides. You will be assigned to a gorilla family group and begin your trek into the forest, accompanied by experienced guides and trackers. The trek duration varies depending on the location of the gorilla group, but encountering these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat is a truly unforgettable experience. After spending an hour with the gorillas, return to your lodge for relaxation.

Day 4: Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda and Departure

After an early breakfast, bid farewell to Volcanoes National Park and cross the border into Uganda. The journey to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park takes approximately 3-4 hours, offering scenic views of Uganda’s countryside and terraced hillsides. Upon arrival, proceed to the park headquarters for another briefing and gorilla trekking preparations. You will be assigned to a gorilla family and embark on your trek through Bwindi’s dense forest. The trekking experience in Uganda offers a different perspective, with varying terrain and wildlife encounters along the way. After your thrilling encounter with the gorillas, bid farewell to Bwindi and begin your journey back to Kigali or Entebbe for your onward flight, marking the end of your memorable Rwanda Uganda gorilla trek.

Additional Details and Tips


Throughout your 4-day journey, you will stay in comfortable lodges selected for their proximity to the national parks and quality service. Lodges typically offer amenities such as en-suite bathrooms, delicious meals featuring local and international cuisine, and stunning views of the surrounding landscapes. These accommodations ensure a relaxing and rejuvenating stay after each day of gorilla trekking.

Wildlife and Cultural Experiences

Apart from gorilla trekking, both Rwanda and Uganda offer diverse wildlife and cultural experiences. In Rwanda, Volcanoes National Park is also home to golden monkeys, which can be tracked in addition to gorilla trekking. The park’s lush forests and volcanic peaks provide a habitat for numerous bird species and other wildlife.

In Uganda, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is renowned for its biodiversity, hosting over 400 mountain gorillas – roughly half of the world’s population. The park is also a UNESCO World Heritage site, offering opportunities to explore its rich ecosystem, including forest walks and birdwatching.

Packing Tips

When preparing for your gorilla trekking adventure, consider packing lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing suitable for trekking through dense forests. Sturdy, waterproof hiking boots are essential, as trails can be muddy and slippery. It’s also advisable to bring a small backpack with essentials such as water, snacks, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a camera with extra batteries. Binoculars can enhance your wildlife viewing experience, especially for birdwatching.

Health Considerations

Gorilla trekking involves hiking at higher altitudes and through dense forests, which can be physically demanding. It’s important to be in good health and reasonably fit for trekking activities. Ensure you have any necessary medications and consult with your doctor regarding vaccinations and health precautions before travelling.

Conservation and Responsible Tourism

Participating in gorilla trekking contributes to conservation efforts aimed at protecting these endangered species and their habitats. Respect wildlife and follow guidelines provided by park rangers to minimise impact on gorillas and their environment. Supporting local communities through responsible tourism initiatives also helps sustain conservation efforts and promotes sustainable development in the region.

The 4-day Rwanda Uganda gorilla trekking adventure offers a unique opportunity to explore two East African countries and encounter mountain gorillas in their natural habitats. From the mist-covered volcanoes of Rwanda to the dense forests of Uganda, each day of the itinerary promises unforgettable wildlife encounters and scenic landscapes. Whether you’re captivated by the allure of gorilla trekking or drawn to the natural beauty and cultural richness of East Africa, this dual-country adventure is sure to leave you with lasting memories of an extraordinary African safari.